Vital Football is looking for a site editor to take on this Vital Football site.
Are a fan of the club and want to publish your views? Maybe you have an existing forum and would like to bring it over to Vital? Then again perhaps you are just an aspiring writer who thinks you could do this site justice?
Well, if that is the case then join in on this exciting fans network and enjoy the friendly banter among rivals, automated leagues, results and earning potential of this content managed network.
If you find yourself liking the sounds of this then give us a shout as we would be delighted to hear from you
Unlike many other networks out there Vital Football is totally independent, we might have to run with some adverts but we are independently funded and do not rely on the input of anyone ‘bankrolling us’ – you never have to fear one day finding out that the lights have been switched off without warning…
If you have a passion for your club and are you over 18-years-old and, ideally, you have some experience in writing news and/or match reports you could also be just what Vital is looking for!
This is a network by the fans for the fans, so your opinion that counts.
If you are a football fanatic with a passion for the sport, then Vital Network Ltd can provide you with a website that allows you to have your say about the great game.
Apply by clicking here or click the advert above.
Do not fret; you don’t have to become an editor to have your say…
If you have something to get off your chest about your team, just email and blog away and we will get this added to the site for you, of course giving you credit. (Let us know what username/name you want the article to be published under AND name the team. It has to be original content, not something from elsewhere!)
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