VITAL Accrington Stanley are pleased to announce a number of new features that will soon be running via the website and some via a new newsletter service!
Firstly we are pleased to announce the new and exclusive ‘You’ve Been Googled!‘ – A feature that will take the name of one of the players that don the famous red of Accrington Stanley every weekend and search the internet to see if they are actually the most famous person of their name.
Vital Accrington Stanley will also shortly be launching a ‘Junior Reds‘ feature, that will be soley aimed at the younger generation of Accrington supporters, with weekly competitions and newsletters which will be on the ‘Junior Reds’ section of the website or will be sent directly to your inbox! More information will be coming on this soon! Please email for more information.
Finally we will also be looking to have an ‘Online Matchday Magazine‘ – This will contain a number of features including:
“On This Day‘ (History of results from the day), ‘Fans In Focus‘ (A recent selection of fans pictures), ‘Player Feature‘ (A chosen player goes under the spotlight) and finally ‘The opposition‘ (includes information on recent results and columns from opposition editors).
So I think you will agree that these are going to bring and excellent and unbeatable new focus to Vital Accrington Stanley… And they’re coming soon!
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