
Weather forecast: Grimsby – Monday

Image for Weather forecast: Grimsby – Monday

YET more heavy rain is forecast over East Lancashire on Sunday evening and Monday morning, so does that mean we should wave goodbye to the visit of a struggling Grimsby side?

The rain didn’t half come down on Saturday evening, but thankfully it didn’t continue through Sunday or we could safely say that the game would be off as the Crown Ground playing surface would struggle to hold the water.

Of course the weather boffins aren’t always right, as we all know. But sometimes they are, so here we go.

Heavy rain is forecast to fall mainly between 4am and 1pm on Monday, which is an awfully long time, as apparently there is quite a lot of cloud movement. You can’t half tell I’m not a weather man with that lame attempt at a description!

We will have to see what does happen, but as always we will keep you up to date with any news of pitch inspections and of course news on whether on not the game is on.

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1 comment

  • robbo-9-asfc says:

    Well surprise surprise, the weather people we’re wrong again. They’re never right are they?

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