Ever dreamt of getting up close and personal with two of the world`s most famous sporting icons – the FIFA World Cup? Trophy and Wayne Rooney?
Since last September Coca-Cola have been celebrating their Official Sponsorship of the 2010 FIFA Word Cup? by giving fans all around the world a once in a life time chance to get their photo taken with the real FIFA World Cup? Trophy, and now it`s your turn!
Thanks to Coca-Cola, we’re helping to kick off the celebration by giving you the chance to win tickets to the London leg of the FIFA World Cup? Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola.
We`re offering readers the chance to win one of five pairs of tickets to this money-can`t-buy experience at an exclusive invite-only event in London on the 11th March.
Enjoy a feast of live music throughout the day, see football superstar Wayne Rooney, and have your photo taken with the real FIFA World Cup? Trophy. Watch a 3D screening of the History of the FIFA World Cup?, be the first to play EA Sports 2010 FIFA World Cup? South Africa and get involved in a host of interactive activities including virtual goal celebrations and incredible skill displays by the UK`s best freestylers.
To enter, simply email competitions@vitalfootball.co.uk with your name, username, address and phone number – subject ‘Coca-Cola Competition’.
The FIFA CupTM Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola Terms & Conditions
*Winners will not be allowed at any point to touch the FIFA World Cup? Trophy. Winners will be photographed in pairs standing next to the trophy.
*Winners will not be allowed to have individual photography with Wayne Rooney.
*This promotion is only open to individuals aged 12 years or over, who are residents of Great Britain, the Isle of Man and Channel Islands only, excluding employees of ‘Coca-Cola` Great Britain, ‘Coca-Cola` Enterprises Limited, their families, agencies and anyone else directly connected with the promotion.
*Winners under the age of 16 will require parental consent to be eligible to receive any prize and must be accompanied by a person aged 18 or over.
*No Purchase Necessary, simply enter as above emailing competitions@vitalfootball.co.uk with your name, username, address and phone number – subject ‘Coca-Cola Competition’.
*The Promotion is open until Midnight February 28th 2010.
*You will be required to state your name, e-mail address, mobile phone number and postcode when entering the FIFA World Cup TM Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola competition. In the event that complete and correct information is not provided, the entry will be considered incomplete and therefore invalid.
*Information regarding personal data provided in the entry will be collected, stored and processed in a database for the purposes of managing the competition. Such information will not be used for any other purposes than as stated in these rules or as separately accepted by you. The ‘Coca-Cola` Privacy Policy applies to any processing of data performed in connection Vital Football or displayed at: www.coca-colafootball.co.uk
*The FIFA World Cup TM Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola prize draw will take place on the 1st March 2010
*There will be five pairs available to Vital Football members to the FIFA World Cup TM Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola event on 11.03.10.
*All participants must ensure that they are contactable at any time between 09:00 and 19:00 (inc) on the same mobile number used for their entry. ‘Coca-Cola` reserves the right to re-draw the prizes if any of the prize winners cannot be contacted within a reasonable period of time (to be established at Coca-Cola`s sole discretion). Any participant aged below 16 years will also require a parent or guardian to be available at any time between 09:00 and 19:00 (inc) to accept the prize on their behalf.
*Winners under the age of 16 will require parental consent to be eligible to attend the event and MUST be accompanied by a person aged 18 or over.
*Winners under the age of 16 must ensure their parent/guardian completes a parental consent form and present it on arrival at the event reception on 11.03.10.
*In the event of a mobile phone being lost, stolen or damaged, or an email address becoming inaccessible during the promotion, ‘Coca-Cola` are not able to retrieve and amend any existing entries to a new mobile number or email address.
*Winners of the 2010 FIFA World Cup TM Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola ticket draw must be available to attend the event in London on Thursday 11.03.10.
*All winners are responsible for making their own way to London and home again. The cost for this travel is not covered by ‘Coca-Cola`. All travel costs are to be paid for by the winner.
*All winners will be sent by e-mail clear and detailed information on the location of the event venue. If e-mail is not available then a hard copy will be sent in the post.
*Winners will be notified by phone within five working days of the competition closing date. Winners will be the first randomly selected entrants from all entries received up until the draw date and must be contactable on the mobile phone used for entry.
*Incomplete entries or those not in accordance with the entry instructions are invalid.
*The draws will be conducted under independent supervision and the Promoter`s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
*In the event of unforeseen circumstances the Promoter reserves the right to offer alternative prizes of equal or greater value.
*Prize winners will be invited to participate in publicity arising from the award of a prize.
*No cash alternative will be offered. All prizes are non-transferable.
*Any winner found to be on the Football Banning Order list will forfeit their prize package, and the prize package will be awarded to a substitute winner drawn at the same time as the original.
*By entering this promotion all participants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by the rules. All entry instructions form part of the rules.
*A list of prize winners` names and counties will be made available on request to those enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope to Coca-Cola World Cup Trophy Tour Competition, 36 Golden Square, London W1F 9EE within six weeks of the closing date.
Regretfully, we can not be held liable for system failures at the handling house, on the websites or on telephone hotlines. *Neither can we be held responsible for the failure to fulfil the obligations of any of the third parties involved in this promotion, although we will always endeavour to minimise the effect of any such failure.
*If there is any reason to believe that there has been a breach of these Terms and Conditions, or the spirit of the promotion, the Promoter may, at its sole discretion, refuse to process a claim. The Promoter will be the final arbiter in any decisions and these will be final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.
*Any breach of these Terms and Conditions will result in a forfeit of the prize.
For any further information, or promotional queries, please contact the consumer helpline on 0800 028 8038.
Promoter: Coca-Cola Great Britain, 1 Queen Caroline Street, London, W6 9HQ. Entries should not be sent to this address.
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